Approaching the Finish Line

   Prayer is vital for Bible translation to move forward and is especially critical during the final stages of the process. A pattern of increasing spiritual opposition toward getting the work finished often emerges. We see this even in software projects! Last year, we had some significant technical hurdles to overcome. We asked you to pray and God answered! Chris and his colleagues were able to reach that goal and receive valuable feedback from their partners.
    The finish line is quickly approaching for the release of this major upgrade to the Scripture App Publishing Service (now called Scriptoria) and we need your prayers again. This release is planned to be made during the Eurasia Media Distribution Consultation (EMDC) in early April.
    We have experienced some personal challenges over the past few weeks which has hindered progress for Chris. Michelle was very sick for a week with the flu (and still recovering) so Chris had to take care of her and the family and didn’t have much time for work. Then, Chris was in an accident which totaled the car. Thankfully, no one was injured.

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