Archives for November 2019

Making Disciples with the Uzbek Bible App

Uzbek Bible App in Cyrillic Text
Uzbek Bible App in Cyrillic Text

    We have heard from many workers in the field who are using Bible apps to help unreached people groups to engage with God’s Word. This term unreached people group refers to an ethnic group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers (less than 2% of the population) and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance. Language and culture often cause barriers of understanding and acceptance. The Joshua Project provides information about such groups including the Uzbek people group.
    Please read this article to see how God is using technology to help reach the unreached. The Uzbek Bible app in this article was made using Scripture App Builder, the software that Chris helps support and develop.

    A group of grandmothers gather together to study the Bible, pray, sing, and fellowship. They meet once a month to encourage one another and to share the good news of Christ with the new ladies who are brave enough to attend. This is not your typical Bible study. It is special because this particular group consists entirely of Muslim-background followers of Christ. … One of the grandmothers starts to preach. She wants everyone to turn to a certain passage in the Bible. … ‘All of a sudden, these old ladies whipped out their smartphones and quickly navigated to the passage in the Bible. They didn’t miss a beat!’.

(read the full article by Feruza Krason)

Partners in Scriptoria

    We started work on Scriptoria in the spring of 2018. We completed the minimum viable product (MVP) back in April and made Scriptoria generally available. We are so thankful to Every Tribe Every Nation (ETEN) for providing the funds to hire DeveloperTown to assist with making the software. While working with them, we started to learn what we would need to know to continue the work. Over the summer and fall, we have been working on fixing bugs and adding features to make it work well (more than just the minimum 👍).   
    We have also been making changes needed for our partners: Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH), Kalaam Media, and Scripture Earth. Both FCBH and Kalaam have hundreds of apps that they are currently maintaining on their own. They have so many, that Chris is working on some special code to make it easy for them to create all the projects and in Scriptoria. We are looking forward to these partners being more productive using Scriptoria!