Many users of Scripture App Builder are working in sensitive areas. We intentionally do not track who is installing and using the software to keep users safe. It is so encouraging when we hear stories of how Scripture App Builder is being used to expand access to God’s Word. Please read this story from Africa.
Drew Maust, a Wycliffe member working in central Africa, had the chance to thank God for the good things that He has done. Drew shares with us his wonderful reason for praise:
Facebook Post: Wycliffe Bible Translators UK and Ireland
Since completing their New Testament over a decade ago, the Z* translators have been hard at work tackling the Old Testament book by book. Two years ago I had the pleasure of working with them on Ezra. After finishing my check of Ezra, I showed them how we could make a custom Bible app using their translation.
So we made an app containing their New Testament along with the Old Testament books that were ready to be published. We loaded it onto the only smartphone they had between the three of them and off they went back to their village.
Now, their village is about two days’ journey, tucked away in the mountains, without electricity or phone signal, in a region which is almost like another country. Love for their language is strong there, but it’s generally very difficult to stay in touch with them.
So I almost completely forgot about this app we made until the Z* translators showed up in the capital last year.
Much to my surprise, they approached me, and the first thing they said was, ‘Our whole village thanks you.’
Taken aback, my response was an embarrassed, ‘OK… why?’
‘You put our texts in the air!’
I had to admit (even more embarrassed) that I didn’t know what they were talking about. ‘I’m really sorry, what do you mean?’
‘My son found the app on my phone and has been sharing it around via Bluetooth. Everyone loves it! But there’s just one problem…’
‘Oh no, what’s that?’
‘It’s missing some books!’ He was lamenting that recently completed books weren’t yet available for their digital readership. ‘People want to read Joshua!’ O, that they could have a whole Bible!
This year I look forward to working with the Z* guys on Old Testament books. We’ll put them ‘in the air’ as soon as we can, giving the Scriptures wings to fly.
With Scripture App Builder, communities can publish early and often. Their village doesn’t have to wait until the whole Bible is translated and a paper book is printed. Updates can be shared in the app as they become available. Isn’t it wonderful when we can thank God for the good things that he has done?
Thank you for partnering with us. Your participation in this work is being multiplied as we pour into others and allow them to flourish.

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